Server sends this message when unit enter visibility area of the player. Position of the unit is in local coordinate system of the player. For unit types, refer to S2C::JOINED message. For unit characteristics, refer to Units section.
struct s2c_unit_enter_t {
char type; // MSG_S2C_UNIT_ENTER
int owner_id; // ID of the player who own's the unit
int unit_type; // Type of the unit
int row; // (row, column) - position of the unit
int column;
int HP; // Current level of hit points
int unit_id; // Unit ID which is unique across all units on a map
int state; // State of the unit
int extended_state; // Extended state of the unit
float speed; // Movement speed of the unit
float attack; // Attack level
float attack_speed; // Attack speed
float attack_distance; // Attack distance
float defence; // Defence level
float vision; // Vision - defines how many tiles unit can see around
shows how many times server tried to perform transition to a blocked tile.